Wednesday, November 19, 2008

True Confessions

This is inspired by Liz Biz-nis. I don't want to leave such a long comment on her blog. I'm going to limit my list because I'm doing this blog as a "journaling" method to pass to my kids and I don't want to spend my later years seating next to them on a couch at their Dr's appt while the therapist tells me what a lousy job I did. For the record I'd like to say that we visit the dentist every 6 months and I have a chart for Erin to make sure we brush our teeth daily. Being that said I would like to begin my confession now.

1. Ellie spits up all over me all the time and I wore the same shirt for 3 days because John is out of town so there is no reason to take a shower.

2. Make the bed? What are these people talking about? We're suppose to make the bed?

3. I bought one of Erin's Christmas presents with her money out of her piggy bank. I figure she has more money then I do and she wants the expensive gift.

4. We ate cookie dough for breakfast.

5. Erin knows all the lyrics to Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses.

That's enough. I plea the fifth on the grounds that I may incriminate myself for the remainder of this confession.


Natalee said...

Those are not confessions. I have done all of those except the Guns n' Roses one because I don't know the all the words to that song. Believe me Tammy you are doing a great job.

Tammy said...

That's a good thing you and your kids don't know all the words to Guns n' Roses since all the songs are about drugs. Thank God she doesn't like the song Loaded Like a Freight Train. That one really does make me look bad.

The Youngblood Family said...

I love it.... Erin knows all the words to welcome to the Jungle. That is so funny! My kids know all the words to the Beastie Boys song, "Fight for Your Right"
I just know one day they are going to sing a lyric from that song in church and I am going to freak out! :)

Liz said...

That made my day, Tammy! (And made me crave cookie dough!) Those are some really good confessions!

Sarah said...

In Welcome to the Jungle does she say, "na na na na na na na na na knees, knees"? I'm trying to remember how many na na's there are in order to type it correctly.

My confession?
I still own that CD.

Tammy said...

Yes, she does! She actually Karaokes it but learned the song off of youtube. Oops another confession, man I better keep my mouth shut.